Yarn Spinning Workshop
Saturday November 23rd 1pm -4pm
Lead by Mark Nowotarski, member of the Nutmeg Spinners Guild
Spinning yarn is a very meditative art. This class will show students how to take roving (washed and combed wool) and spin it into beautiful, strong yarn. We will start with the drop spindle, one of humanity’s most ancient tools, and learn the basics of drafting and spinning a single thread of yarn. After some practice with the drop spindle, we will learn “Andean plying”. This is where we take a single thread of yarn, double it up around our hands and spin it into a fluffy, 2-ply yarn suitable for knitting and crocheting.
Students will then be introduced to the spinning wheel. A spinning wheel is essentially a foot-powered drop spindle. Your hands do the same drafting as for a drop spindle, but your feet keep the spindle going. Several wheels will be available, but those that have their own wheels should bring them.
The course is for beginners who want to learn the basics as well as intermediate spinners who want to improve their technique (open to all groups). Equipment and materials included.