Turn Fabric into Art

Introducing New Classes

New Textile Art Classes at Studio Andreas

Textile Art is the creation of fabric designed and made by hand, using materials from nature such as plant and animal fibers. From ancient civilizations to modern times, textile art has been essential to human culture, crafting garments, tapestries, and various other artifacts. Discover the essence of textile art through our classes, where you'll encounter a showcase of its diverse forms, including felting, weaving, knitting, crocheting, and yarn spinning.

Studio Andreas is excited to expand into textile art with a new studio and looms! The new studio is located on the second floor of our building and will be led by Instructor Chelsea Danburg. Registration for Weaving classes opens on April 15 and will begin on May 11. Workshops will be held throughout the summer, and private lessons are available upon request.

Discover the rich heritage of weaving
in our classes.

  • Introduction to Weaving

    Our weaving classes will occur on Saturdays from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm. Each session will host up to 6 students and each student will work on their own loom. Registration opens April 15th and classes begin in May .

  • Private time in the studio with Instructor Danburg to learn a new skill or work on a project of your choosing.

    Private lessons must be scheduled in advance. To request your lesson, please reach out to Instructor Danburg.

    203 219 8609


  • Summer workshops are on their way! Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and more information.

Introduction to Weaving

  • Chelsea Danburg


    I am a mom, runner, artist, and founder of BluJoyWrks. I majored in textile design at the Rhode Island School of Design and fell in love with the calm structure of weaving.

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